GP Rajasa Calls on ASEAN Businesses to Join Forces for Regional Advancement

Address Delivered at 8.0 Awards Trends 2024 Highlights Collaborative Potential

GP Rajasa Pranadewa, Director of Indonesia Awards Magazine, used the platform of the 8.0 Awards Trends 2024 to deliver an impassioned call for greater collaboration among ASEAN’s business and professional communities. Speaking at the awards ceremony on August 10, 2024, at Jakarta’s Grand Mercure Hotel Kemayoran, Rajasa urged stakeholders across the region to work together in creating a stronger, more dynamic ASEAN.

The annual event, which attracts prominent figures from Southeast Asia’s business community, celebrates innovation, leadership, and resilience in the face of a rapidly changing global economy. Rajasa’s message was clear: the future of ASEAN’s economic development depends on collaboration. “Our region has immense potential, but to unlock it, we need to move beyond individual success stories. It’s time for businesses, professionals, and governments to unite and leverage our collective strengths,” he said.

Rajasa’s remarks came against the backdrop of an event dedicated to recognizing trailblazers in their respective industries, particularly those who have successfully adapted to global trends such as digital transformation. “In an era marked by constant change, innovation is no longer optional. The 8.0 Awards celebrate those who are leading the way in embracing new trends and positioning ASEAN as a competitive force in the global market,” Rajasa noted.

The 8.0 Awards Trends 2024 also served as a forum for discussion and networking, with attendees exploring opportunities for collaboration across borders. Many of the business leaders present echoed Rajasa’s call for unity, recognizing that shared growth in ASEAN would require concerted effort and a commitment to fostering partnerships within the region.

Rajasa concluded his speech by reiterating the importance of collective action, stating, “This is a critical time for ASEAN. By coming together, we can not only accelerate our own growth but also position ourselves as a formidable player on the global stage.” The event showcased the strength of ASEAN’s business community and highlighted the role of regional cooperation in driving sustainable growth. Rajasa’s call for unity resonated with attendees, many of whom left the event inspired to pursue new collaborative ventures in the coming years.

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