February 23, 2025

“Sri Mulyani’s Kartini Day Message: Drawing Inspiration from Zeehandelaar’s Correspondence”

April 22, 2024

Sri Mulyani Indrawati, the Minister of Finance and one of the female ministers in the Indonesia Maju Cabinet, joins in celebrating Kartini Day, commemorated every April 21st. Amidst her engagements at the Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank, as well as the G20 Summit in Washington D.C., Sri Mulyani revisited a letter by Estella Zeehandelaar, the pen pal of RA Kartini, dated May 25, 1899.

“Quoting Raden Ajeng Kartini’s letter to Miss Zeehandelaar on May 25, 1899, during my childhood, the words of emancipation had no sound, no meaning to my ears. Books and writings on the subject were far from my reach. But within my heart, grew a desire, an ever-growing desire for freedom, independence, to stand on my own,” she shared on her Instagram post @smindrawati, Sunday (4/21/2024).

Dressed in traditional batik attire, Sri Mulyani reminisced about the writings of RA Kartini, which date back 125 years, and are thoughts that transcend time.

She expressed that the role of women in advancing and becoming independent is a noble aspiration because women also contribute to the progress of the nation. “Whether it’s starting their own businesses, pursuing careers outside, or even becoming politicians, participating in determining public policies, a nation with women who are increasingly progressive will undoubtedly have better policy and national quality,” said Sri Mulyani.

Ani, as she is fondly called, urged all women to continue the spirit of RA Kartini, which remains relevant to current conditions. She advocates for expanding opportunities for women to pursue education, realize their dreams, and participate in social, economic, and political fields. Gender equality issues were even discussed during the meetings in the United States capital.

“The spirit of women’s emancipation born from Kartini’s struggle will continue to accompany me wherever I go, even to international forums, where gender issues are also important topics that are frequently discussed,” she concluded.

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