February 11, 2025

“Pioneering Infrastructure Financing Innovations for Indonesia’s Golden 2045”

In the pursuit of Indonesia’s Golden 2045 vision, Director General of Infrastructure Financing for Public Works and Housing (Dirjen PI), Herry Trisaputra Zuna, emphasized the imperative of innovative infrastructure financing strategies. Achieving Indonesia’s Golden status demands a significant leap in per capita income, aiming for $33,000, compared to the current $5,600.

During the Talkshow & Halal Bihalal event themed “Food Security & Infrastructure Supporting Indonesia’s Golden 2045,” organized by Inkindo in Jakarta on Thursday (April 25, 2024), Dirjen PI stressed the magnitude of the challenge ahead. “With two decades remaining until 2045, we still face a fivefold gap. It demands significant efforts to bridge this disparity,” he articulated.

A pivotal component in realizing this vision hinges on a substantial boost in infrastructure investment by 2045, reaching 8% of the GDP, a significant stride from the current 5%. Moreover, the infrastructure stock must elevate to 70% of the GDP by 2045, whereas it presently stands at 40%.

Zuna further underscored that the realization of Indonesia’s Golden aspirations necessitates a systematic and sustained process. “It’s not something that manifests suddenly; it requires a concerted effort. In formulating and actualizing this vision, innovation is imperative,” he emphasized.

Innovation in infrastructure financing emerges as a linchpin in this endeavor, considering the myriad challenges confronting current infrastructure development. Among these challenges are the subpar water storage capacity, standing at 58 m³ per capita per year, a stark contrast to neighboring Malaysia’s 712 m³ per capita per year.

Additionally, Indonesia grapples with the provision of piped water, which currently reaches only 20.6% of the population. Furthermore, the housing sector faces the monumental challenge of a substantial backlog in homeownership, with approximately 12.7 million households affected. This discourse underscores the collaborative efforts between the Media Indonesia Institute and the Legal and Public Communication Division of the Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing for Public Works and Housing, aimed at fostering dialogue and innovation to propel Indonesia towards its Golden 2045 aspirations.

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